Also on Renegade Inc

Richard Werner: QE Infinity

This Is How Universities Die…

What Price The Beautiful Game?

Fashion Costs The Earth

Herman Daly: Redefine Growth and Scarcity

Herman Daly is Professor of Ecological Economics, School of Public Policy, University of Maryland, USA.

For thirty years he has been  a voice in the wilderness detailing the flaws in the growth economy, examining promises of prosperity that neither technology nor resource manipulation can ever fulfill. 

Not only are there limits to growth, growth does not feed our spiritual or moral lives, a reality almost completely ignored by neo-classical economists. Let’s rethink – Natural Capital vs Man Made Capital…

Also on Renegade Inc

Medici Money

Author of Medici Money, Tim Parks, discusses the Medici banking dynasty and its legacy.

We Don’t Need Another Hero

Has the pernicious creation of hero or saviour complexes derailed the collective good?

Passport To Freedom?

What are the consequences of immunity or vaccine passports and will these proposed temporary measures become the norm?

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