Also on Renegade Inc

Richard Werner: QE Infinity

This Is How Universities Die…

What Price The Beautiful Game?

Fashion Costs The Earth

Talkshow: Ian Mason

Barrister and School Principal Ian Mason addressed the UN: One World One Wealth – Economics, Justice and the Rights of Nature. We ask him how to upgrade the dismal science.

He suggests a simple but practical answer is by using natural law as a guide.

The issue is not to decry ownership of land but, that with ownership, comes a humility and responsibility to honour the land.

In fact in the greater scheme of things, no one owns land. We are guardians.

Also on Renegade Inc

Medici Money

Author of Medici Money, Tim Parks, discusses the Medici banking dynasty and its legacy.

We Don’t Need Another Hero

Has the pernicious creation of hero or saviour complexes derailed the collective good?

Passport To Freedom?

What are the consequences of immunity or vaccine passports and will these proposed temporary measures become the norm?

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