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Talkshow: Ann Pettifor

Ann is director of PRIME (Policy Research in Macroeconomics) – an economic think-tank that promotes understanding of the nature of credit, and its role in determining macroeconomic outcomes. Fundamental to their approach is an implicit and explicit restoration of ethics in relation to money and credit (she blogs at She is also a fellow of the New Economics Foundation.

In 2003 she edited ‘the Real World Economic Outlook’ (Palgrave) with a prescient sub-title: ‘the legacy of globalisation: debt and deflation’. In 2006 Palgrave published her book: “The coming first world debt crisis“.

In 2008 she co-authored “The Green New Deal” and in 2010 co-authored an essay with Professor Victoria Chick: “The economic consequences of Mr. Osborne.” (click on the link where you can download via pdf).

Ann Pettifor’s work and writing has concentrated on the international financial architecture, the sovereign debts of the poorest countries, and the rise in sovereign, corporate and private debt in OECD economies.

She is well known for her leadership of an organisation Jubilee 2000, that placed the debts of the poorest countries on the global political agenda, and brought about both substantial debt cancellation, and radical policy changes, at national and international levels.

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