Also on Renegade Inc

UK Food Security: A Fork In The Road

The Strait Guys: Connecting America And Russia

Sanctions: The Blowback

Weaponising Our Rights

Degan Ali

Degan Ali is an internationally renowned humanitarian leader and organizational development consultant.

She has been at the forefront of shifting power for decades. She is a Rockefeller Foundation Global Fellow for Social Innovation, a contributor to the Overseas Development Institute/Humanitarian Policy Group and the Global Food Security Journal, and a regular guest on international news channels including Al Jazeera and The Guardian.

Also on Renegade Inc

Team Humanity

Are we prepared to re-route our cognitive map, or will the 'new normal' become permanent?

The Nord Stream Dream Is America’s Nightmare

Is there more to the energy crisis in Europe that meets the eye?

Russia: A Recent History Lesson

Is the Wests triumphalist anti-Russian rhetoric based on historical delusions?

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