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The Controlled Demolition of the American Empire

Host Ross Ashcroft met up with US author, Charlie Robinson, to consider how the modern US empire, which has nothing to lose, will meet its inevitable fate.

When The Truth Bombs

Behind the facade of democracy is what lies at the heart of a propaganda system in crisis. We discuss the recent OPCW report to understand the true nature of power and the real meaning of contemporary events.

Renegade Retrospective

It’s that time again where we look back at 2019 and ask what happened? Now some of the dust has settled and silly season is over, Renegade Inc. host Ross Ashcroft served up some of the highlights of interviews from 2019.

The Renegade team selected them so to cut through the noise and bias and give you a more balanced insight into what’s really going on.

The Quickening

For propaganda to work, you need people to forget about the last fabrication and quickly move on to the next lie. But what if events begin to overtake official narratives? What if the centre really isn’t holding? What if most people increasingly know that they are being duped? What if we are entering into a period that can be now described as The Quickening?

Writer and retired businessman, Mark Brooks, met up with Renegade Inc. to discuss these ideas.

Russiagate! – The Collusion Delusion

When people stop buying the propaganda, the mainstream media turn up the volume. Locked into ideological narratives on most issues, corporate journalists preferred option is to support government policy and double down on their lies.

Nowhere has this been more apparent than in the so-called Russiagate saga in the United States. One of the journalists who didn’t fall for this fallacy is Ben Norton from The Grayzone. He and his colleagues were steadfast in the face of collective delusion. They refuse to blame another nation for their homegrown economic and political problems.

The Quickening

The French Revolution didn’t ‘start’ in 1789; WW2 didn’t ‘begin’ in 1939; an avalanche doesn’t ‘commence’ when the surface snow begins to slide. By the time human beings recognise that a massive shift is taking place, it’s been underway for a while, sometimes a long while. The majority become aware during the quickening stage of the phenomena. We’re in one now.

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