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Truth, Lies, & Intention

We ‘ordinary’ human beings need to improve our ability to discern the intent behind the narrative we are being sold. This is entirely achievable for an individual. To persuade a critical mass of people to ‘wake up’ is an entirely different challenge. Mark GB shares his insights of the people we need to start listening to in 2019.

21st Century Plague

Equally parasitic as the medieval Black Death, the pandemic we face in the 21st Century is a psychological phenomenon rather than a biological one. Its name is ‘deceit’, and our political & economic institutions are riddled with it.  Mark GB calls out the manifestations of the 21st-century plague – and it might just provide the antidote you need to survive it.

Deep State political corruption bent on impeaching President Trump

The deep state and liberal left’s witch-hunt, spearheaded by a conflicted and biased Robert Mueller designed to impeach President Trump! Who needs facts or evidence when you have the support of the deep state and the very fake news media. Mich Feierstein explains…

Lee Camp just destroyed the entire establishment narrative about RT

After all the mainstream media’s fuss about the Trump administration’s “war on the press”, you’d think we would be hearing more than crickets from them as this same administration makes the shocking move of forcing RT America to register as a foreign agent. Luckily, as always, we can at least count on Redacted Tonight’s Lee Camp to rip all this bullshit to shreds.

Black lists matter: the betrayal of democratic liberalism

Democracy 2.0 is having its own modern-day McCarthy moment: Millionaire George Soros has published a blacklist of thousands of politicians, journalists, academics and celebrities ever to appear on Russian state broadcaster, RT, designed to intimidate anyone from ever appearing on the network which has already been defunded by NatWest, demonetised by social media giants that have rapidly become privately outsourced state regulators. This campaign of censorship and content control is proof of an establishment fast losing control of the narrative.

The reasons we go to war – who do you believe?

Throw a dart at the map of the world and chances are it will land in or near a territory in which the US and its allies have ‘promoted democracy’, made a ‘humanitarian intervention’, and/or  ‘defended western values’, leaving behind the stench of  JP Morgan, Standard Oil, Halliburton, and the Cheney and Clinton dynasties.  The concept of ‘left and right’ is a sideshow for the plebs – MarkGB examines how war has become a reliable profit centre for government cronies. 

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