Globally – something has gone badly wrong with our jobs.
Less than 15% of people are feeling happy and engaged at work, while 23% of people are actively disengaged – and they’re twice as likely to suffer from stress and anger related incidents.
This week we are on the road at Sunday Papers Live in London to talk about this silent workplace epidemic and the profound damage caused when people work in a ‘bullsh*t’ job.
Host Ross Ashcroft is joined by anthropologist and writer David Graeber whose new book has touched a nerve and united disenfranchised workers globally.
There's nothing like the idea of a unionised worker to make the predatory capitalist convulse.
Why is the ability to call a home your own becoming the privilege of the few as opposed to the right of the many?
What if the racism and inequality that America faces today are not accidental but actually happened by design?